Tsuyogari Rairairai / Semete Semete / Paaree~ / Glass no Junjou (強がりライライライ / セメテセメテ / ぱーれぇ~ / ガラスの純情; Strong Front Lie Lie Lie / At The Very, Very Least / Parade / Glass Innocence) is the second quadruple A-side indies single by Up Up Girls (2). It was released on February 16, 2021. Much like their first quadruple A-side indies single, it was part of a collaboration project between T-Palette Records and the crowdfunding website WIZY. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is still not safe to hold release events, and so T-Palette Records once again collaborated with WIZY to produce this single using crowdfunding.[1] When the crowdfunding campaign closed, it had successfully raised 115% of its target goal of six million yen.[2]
Fans who donated to the crowdfunding project received a version of the single with a limited jacket cover, as well as a thank you video, a live DVD of the Up Up Girls (2) Shinshun Paaree~ concert, and other various benefits depending on the amount donated.[3]
Kamiya Saki choreographed the dance for "Tsuyogari Rairairai".[6]
Starting on January 29, 2021, T-Palette Records held a campaign on Twitter where fans were encouraged to create their own versions of the single’s jacket covers. They first revealed the official logos for each of the A-sides through a folder on Google Drive, and for every 50 fan-made jacket covers posted with the hashtag "#このままじゃ終われま10", one official solo jacket cover featuring a member of Up Up Girls (2) would be posted through the official T-Palette Records Twitter account.[7]
On February 1, 2021, "Semete Semete" was digitally pre-released through OTOTOY ahead of the single.[8]
On February 4, 2021, "Paaree~" was digitally pre-released through LINE MUSIC ahead of the single.[9]
The order of the members singing in "Glass no Junjou" is in the order of the generations.